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Adding interactive elements

Notifying the user

Title = "Notification Title",
Content = "Notification Content",
Duration = 6.5,
Image = 4483362458,

Lucide Icon Support

You can now also use Lucide Icons with Rayfield. To do so, replace the Image Id above 4483362458 with a string value of an icon name in Lucide Icons.

Title = "Notification Title",
Content = "Notification Content",
Duration = 6.5,
Image = "rewind",

This will set the icon to a rewind symbol from Lucide Icons.

All Lucide Icons Supported Lucide Icons

Credit to Lucide and Latte Softworks

Creating a Button

local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
Name = "Button Example",
Callback = function()
-- The function that takes place when the button is pressed

Updating a Button

Button:Set("Button Example")

Creating a Toggle

local Toggle = Tab:CreateToggle({
Name = "Toggle Example",
CurrentValue = false,
Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Value)
-- The function that takes place when the toggle is pressed
-- The variable (Value) is a boolean on whether the toggle is true or false

Updating a Toggle


Creating a Color Picker

local ColorPicker = Tab:CreateColorPicker({
Name = "Color Picker",
Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255),
Flag = "ColorPicker1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Value)
-- The function that takes place every time the color picker is moved/changed
-- The variable (Value) is a Color3fromRGB value based on which color is selected

Updating a Color Picker


Creating a Slider

local Slider = Tab:CreateSlider({
Name = "Slider Example",
Range = {0, 100},
Increment = 10,
Suffix = "Bananas",
CurrentValue = 10,
Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Value)
-- The function that takes place when the slider changes
-- The variable (Value) is a number which correlates to the value the slider is currently at

Updating a Slider

Slider:Set(10) -- The new slider integer value

Creating an Adaptive Input (TextBox)

local Input = Tab:CreateInput({
Name = "Input Example",
CurrentValue = "",
PlaceholderText = "Input Placeholder",
RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
Flag = "Input1",
Callback = function(Text)
-- The function that takes place when the input is changed
-- The variable (Text) is a string for the value in the text box

Updating a an Adaptive Input (TextBox)

Input:Set("New Text") -- The new input text value

Creating a Dropdown menu

local Dropdown = Tab:CreateDropdown({
Name = "Dropdown Example",
Options = {"Option 1","Option 2"},
CurrentOption = {"Option 1"},
MultipleOptions = false,
Flag = "Dropdown1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Options)
-- The function that takes place when the selected option is changed
-- The variable (Options) is a table of strings for the current selected options

Updating a Dropdown

Dropdown:Set({"Option 2"}) -- The new selected options

Resetting a dropdown

Dropdown:Refresh({"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"}) -- The new list of options available.

Check the value of an existing element

To check the current value of an existing element, using the variable, you can do ElementName.CurrentValue, if it's a keybind or dropdown, you will need to use KeybindName.CurrentKeybind or DropdownName.CurrentOption You can also check it via the flags from Rayfield.Flags